Art for Art is one of the largest decoration workshops in Europe with 15000m². These include painting, sculpture, metalwork, carpentry and costume workshops as well as their own weapons workshops. During my six-month stay, I was allowed to look behind the scenes in the sculpture workshop and participate in ongoing productions.
I was responsible for copying sculptures, imitating facades from different cultures and architectural eras, sawing, carving or modeling materials, and shaping them with knife and spatula. Repair work on used props, as well as the construction of smaller utilitarian objects was also one of the many fields of activity. You can see a selection, sorted by theater production.
"Ein Sommernachtstraum"

"Dies Irea - Der Tag des Zorns"

"Das Gespenst von Cantaville"

"Die Hamlet Maschine"

"Pegasus" für die spanische Hofreitschule

"Der Zigeuner Baron"