Modern society, as we perceive it, is dominated by economic and social pressures for productivity. As a result, inactivity is often seen as a negative quality and is rarely spoken of in a positive way. "The Act" is an art project that aims to bring back the positive connotation of "unproductivity" and invites us to explore what "doing nothing" means and how we experience it ourselves. How can we change our perception and together claim our right to "do nothing"? The practice of bird-watching inspired the idea for the installation. A circular cut-out in the roof creates a new composition of the everyday environment and invites us to be still for a moment, to observe, to listen and to feel. How can consciously "doing nothing" feel less like a burden and more like a resistance?
Team: Dila Demir Ozan, Juan Vertiz Marques
Street intervention

Counting things as an act with no value.

Task: Create an object with value! You have 10 min. Be creative as you can!