"To rethink is to think again about an idea or action, particularly with the intention of making changes. To unrethink is to avoid this thought process on purpose; the goal becomes to stop oneself from pivoting or adjusting - especially when there is enough evidence that ideas or actions are very likely to cause difficulties in the future. The result of unrethinking opposes overthinking. The resonance of this unusual process becomes apparent with every iteration and every action."
From this approach, a temporary TikTok Channel was created, which fictitiously deals with the worrying state of the Earth. A couple (Prepper Couple 95) prepares for the worst day - the apocalypse. The couple shows in their everyday life how they hoard food, collect air to breathe, set up their protective home, say goodbye to their loved ones and celebrate one last time. Until the situation comes to a head, the couple suffers a nervous breakdown, they run out of air to breathe and finally declare the apocalypse to be over.
Team: Vivian Rustige

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